

Canada Manhole is solely focused on Repairing and Setting Manholes, Valve Covers, Catch Basins and Service Boxes for Municipalities, Developers and Road Constructors.

  • Repair Existing Manholes and Water Valves
  • Parking Lot Catch Basins
  • Mill and Pave
  • Onsite and Offisite New Construction
  • Service Boxes


Our Engineered Solution will save time and money guaranteed.

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Extract and Replace Manhole Frame and Covers

Valve Covers

Re-level or Repalce Water and Gas Valve Covers

Catch Basins

Remove and Replace Catch Basins in Roads and Parking Lots

Service Boxes

Level Service Boxes inside and outside the road boundaries

Rehabilitation and Repair

Drive down any major corridor and you will see that many of the Manholes and Water valves are not level, damaged and potholing. Our Solution will quickly rehabilitate these problems, eliminating unsafe driving conditions and reduce water infiltration.

Watch the video

New Construction and Mill/ Pave

Imagine being able to eliminate all the hassles with Manholes during Construction. No more Steel Plates, possible Damage claims, hours of setting castings…

Our solution will save you time and money, and we will leave you a perfectly level casting that will last decades.

Watch the video
